Functional Sodium Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Human Kidney

Résumé : Background and Aims : Le gradient cortico-médullaire est d’une très grande importance puisqu’il permet à l’Homme de concentrer ses urines. Actuellement le seul outil disponible pour explorer cette capacité de concentration est la mesure de l’osmolarité. Le but de notre étude était d’explorer l’évolution du gradient après charge hydrique comparé à la mesure […]

Relationship between esophageal motility disorders and autonomic nervous system in diabetic patients: pilot north african study

Résumé : Introduction: Little attention has been given to esophageal disorders in diabetes mellitus. Pathophysiology of esophageal motility disorders (EMD) in patients with diabetes mellitus is multifactorial. Therefore, the aims of the present study were: i. to evaluate the prevalence of EMD in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and ii. to determine the relationship […]

Effect of overdressing (muslim veil) on submaximal aerobic fitness

Résumé :Introduction : The veil in Islam is a garment, which covers the entire body except the face, hands and feet. Muslim woman wears it in the presence of any male outside of their immediate family eventually during sports activity.The aim of our study was to determine whether wearing a veil can affect submaximal aerobic […]

Effects of exercise training on patients with diabetes mellitus type 2

Résumé :  Introduction: Diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) is a chronic disease constituting a health problem in the world and particularly in Tunisia. Lack of physical activity and obesity are risk factors for T2DM. Therefore, exercise training (ET) is important for both preventive and curative action. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the […]

An original Asteraceae-infusion able to prevent a syndrome metabolic induced in fructose rat model: Beneficial effect of a mixture of chicoric and chlorogenic acids.

Résumé : Physiopathology of the metabolic syndrome (METS) is characterized by a self-sustaining pernicious circle, in which abdominal obesity initiates a low-grade inflammatory state and oxidative stress promoting an insulin-resistance stage and leads to diabetes of type 2. To reverse these physiological disorders, the patients must change diets and in term a pharmacological intervention is possible. […]